Anti-detect Browser Dolphin Anty: Secure Multi-account in Affiliate Marketing

Anti-detect Browser Dolphin Anty: Secure Multi-account in Affiliate Marketing

If you want to use any platform, you have to register an account there. In some cases one account will be enough, while in others the more accounts you have, the better your performance is. Affiliate marketing is one of such areas. You need several accounts for different campaigns. But there is a problem — all big platforms and services who generate high-quality traffic are against multi-accounting. And they want it to remain as long as possible. That’s why you will be banned instantly for any violation of their rules — not only for multi-accounting.

But multi-accounting impacts their income and is considered one of the most serious violations. Such platforms as Facebook, Google, TikTok and other advertising networks gather user data to resell it to third parties or themselves show users more relevant advertisements. To stay on track in their advertising activity webmasters have to use some special software that allows them to deceive trackers and antifraud systems of IT giants. Anti-detect browser Dolphin Anty gives you an opportunity to create several accounts that will work permanently in advertising campaigns. And banning one of them will have little to zero impact on your performance. Why is Dolphin Anty the best solution for you? We have the most definite answer. 

Advantages of Dolphin Anty

First of all, according to the Affiliate Space Awards from Conversion Club 2023, Dolphin Anty is the best anti-detect browser for affiliate marketing. The number of its users is about 800k worldwide. A quite impressive number we want to say. But why do they choose it? Because of its advantages. And here they are. 

Fingerprint Spoofing

In order to pass the moderation of the most powerful services like Facebook and Google, you have to hide your real digital fingerprint really well. And Dolphin Anty does that easily. Without spoofing algorithms you will not be able to create more than one account. If you try to do that, you will instantly be banned there. That means that traffic volumes generated from one account will be really low. As a result, your income will also be low. 

In Dolphin Anty you can create multiple accounts easily — with one button only. But the whole procedure is not only easy, but also efficient. All the profiles created in the browser easily pass all the detection algorithms of advertising platforms and other special checkers like Pixelscan. As a result, you can create as many unique personalities as you want. And you can do all your affiliate marketing things from them. 

A Variety of Useful Tools

Unique account creation is not the only advantage of Dolphin Anty. It has a lot of tools that will make the life of any affiliate marketer much more comfortable. 

First of all, its user interface is really friendly. You can do a lot of things with the accounts: sort them in a convenient way, add statuses and tags to them, to create groups, set icons according to the platform you are going to use them on for better visual representation. 

Secondly, profile management tools are really powerful. You can add, delete and activate proxies by one or in bulk. You have all the necessary instructions on the right format in the same window. There is also a built-in IP-address rotation tool. Each proxy can be checked directly in the browser and transferred to the team member. Besides that, Dolphin Anty has tools to manage bookmarks, extensions and start pages. They are linked to the main webpage, so they can be automatically added to the profile when you select its type.

Thirdly, Dolphin Anty has everything the teams might need for team work. You can set roles for your partners like Admin, Team Lead, Buyer, Farmer and grant them a particular level of access and rights. It helps to manage teams more effectively. 

Finally, powerful automation tools help you to save time. Thanks to Scenarios which are subsequences of pre-set actions you can perform them automatically. No need to have programming skills, participate or follow how they perform. You can automate the farming of accounts, warming up, collection of views and reputations as well as other routine actions that take a lot of time if performed manually. Everything is done on an interactive map. There is also a cookie-robot that collects cookies to make your profiles really authentic as if they belong to real users. You can set websites that the robot needs to visit and wait a little bit. After that the cookies will be added to the profile. 

There is also a solution for those actions that cannot be automated — Synchronizer. You can launch several profiles at once and synchronize the activities that you do in them — do it in one window and other windows will just repeat every single click, page scrolling, text printing and so on. It is a useful function when it comes to such actions as entering a unique text, clicking on moving elements, extracting text or graphic information.

Integration with Facebook Multitool 👍

You can integrate Dolphin Anty via a token with Dolphin Cloud, which is a cloud-based tool for automating Facebook ADS. It simplifies management and all the advertising work is performed in one window. Thanks to it, launching 50 accounts takes only 20 minutes instead of several hours like it was before.


Besides time-saving, Dolphin Cloud is able to: 

  • manage all your campaigns in one window;
  • set roles to your team members who will see only what you want them to see;
  • create auto-rules to make spendings more effective and turn off negative campaigns;
  • delete all the comments that have a negative impact on any conversation.

Free Plan

No, really, Dolphin Anty has a free plan. 

By saying free, we really mean it. You can use it without any limitations in time — create up to ten accounts and do everything you want with them. Some functions are blocked, but most of them are waiting for you. Other anti-detect browsers don’t have it. Instead they offer you a several day trial or to pay first and if you don’t like something, you can ask for a refund. 


Author: Sergey

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