Subscriptions in Leadbit

Subscriptions in Leadbit

More and more traffic is coming from the mobile devices: users buy, watch, read actively – adapted versions of sites are on top. It’s time to talk about quickly evolving vertical of mobile subscriptions.

Easy to set up and profitable click offers give a newbie the opportunity to profit from the mobile traffic.

  • 1-click is a mobile subscription which works in the case when the user pushes the button on the popup.
  • 2-click is a mobile subscription which works in the case when the user respects some terms: push the button, then click on the checkbox and confirm the agreement.

In the both cases the subscriptions realize automatically then the money are being written off monthly. The last time mobile subscriptions are widely distributed but they are more popular in the Latin America and European countries. It depends on the capacity to pay of the target audience. Mobile subscriptions are like the litmus test of the financial stability of the country and its citizens.

How to attract the users?

1 and 2-click offers are comfortable for publishers because it doesn’t require extra attention, easy to set up and profitable. The success and profitability of the campaigns usually depend on offer – profit is big enough, if the offer is cool enough. Adult offers, games and educational content are always on top.

The quality of your traffic really matters too.

You can try your luck and start working with mobile subscriptions alone, but there are no chances to become successful on the mobile market without Leadbit and its offers 😉

New 2-click offers in Leadbit:

How to choose GEO to start

Your choice of GEO depends only on your opportunities and seed funds. The price of traffic in GEOs is different but you can get to know more about this vertical with a help of Latin America and European countries because the traffic there is quite cheap.

How to start

The easiest way to start working with subscriptions is popunder and Facebook too. You won’t have any need for the spending a lot of time with landing pages. Affiliate networks often do them by themselves and offer you a full set.

Experiment on new verticals and GEOs, our 2-click offers are already on site!

Author: LeadBit Team
A team of experienced marketers, traffic, advertising, conversion specialists with more than 10 years of practical experience in the marketing world ...

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