What is the most important thing in the promotion? Of course, it’s profit!
Which things can help to take the maximum from the campaign? To be in trend. Good add settings. Correct creatives. It’s a minimum of these things. Also, you need to pay attention to conversion rate, CPC, CTR, etc.
So we want to talk about CTR. In a few words, it’s a about clickability. More simple: it’s the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view an ad.
Table of contents
Why CTR is important?
It is an aspect that the ad was placed correctly and meets the needs of the target audience. Small CTR: you need to correct ad settings to increase efficiency.
Don’t forget about these facts: The most important are: placement, the information of competitive ads, seasonality, the popularity of the source.
How to increase CTR?
First of all, let’s talk about parts of the ad: the title, the creative, correctly placement of the target audience. It is necessary to work with all components to improve CTR. Pay attention to the relevance of placement, suitable creative, good title.
Location: people take information on a web page the same way we read a printed page, from left to right and from top to bottom. The last spot to get viewed is the bottom right corner. So the value of the ad depends on location.
Visual part: pay attention to colors. Use psychology: how color combinations perceived by users. Our webmaster CPA Sharky talked about this point in the article about customization.
Of course, there are some nuances for verticals and offers. General recommendations for improving CTR are not enough for good performance.
Increase CTR
How to increase CTR in teaser grids:
Everyone can make a campaign with a bad quality image. But it’s not OK. Make a creative with high clarity picture and correct color combination. It will attract user attention.
If the ad will be clear to the client, you will get more quality traffic. Add a good picture – good CTR is provided. The user doesn’t want to guess the meaning of your add.
Call to Action
Motivate the target audience to do what you want. The most important thing is the text. Pay attention to the needs of the audience. Say ‘no’ to extra words, ‘yes’ – to clear text. Imagine yourself in a place of the target audience – what question would you have? A sense of urgency will help make your offer more desirable.
Hype. Check trends and use them in your performance.
Don’t use abstractions, metaphors, etc. Give clear information. Information with numbers takes more trust from the user.
How to increase CTR in Google Ads
It’s an excellent source of traffic because ads are placed organically to requests. IMPORTANT: the result depends on the add settings and visual part of the offer.
Selection of keywords
The most energy- and time-consuming part. It is a super important thing – an ad is shown to the keyword. At a minimum, you need to collect 100 keywords. The set must cover as many queries as possible. Also, do not forget to add keywords in the heading and text. They will be highlighted in the text and will attract more attention.
Excluding words. It’s an important point in add settings to rid yourself of unwanted traffic. Use excluding words to save your time and money. For example, when people search for “slimming before / after”, you need to add “photo” to the excluding words. People want to see the photo, not to buy your product.
The visual part
The visual part is always important. Your main problem is banner blindness. The user sees hundreds of ads per day. Your goal is to attract the attention of the target audience as much as possible.
Quick links
It increases the size of the ad. So it will attract more attention from the audience. And it will help to raise CTR. Also, don’t forget to fill the description.

One ad – one key request
Your audience will be as relevant as possible.
One of the most successful advertising resources because people are more loyal to advertising. How to increase CTR:
It will motivate the user to answer.
Emotions always attract attention. Find pictures with bright emotions.

Otherwise, you can bring useless traffic to the site or get an uninterested audience.
Create a large number of campaigns with a small budget
Make split-test and improve the quality of your performance with minimal budget losses.
What is good CTR?
There is no right answer. CTR depends on many factors. For example, the niche, time, seasonality, level of competition.
You need to remember:
- High CTR reduces the cost per click. You can put a low bid without losing traffic.
- The higher the CTR, the less time it takes to test. Important: use the relevant creative.
- A high CTR gives you a competitive advantage. It helps to beat the competitors without raising rates and losing profit.
- Pay attention to ads with a high level of competition and a small CTR. The more competition, the less clickability for each competitor. In narrow niches you need to look the other way: the user choice is small, so the interest to each offer is higher.
CTR is the cool thing, but also don’t forget to pay attention to the conversion rate and ROI, calculate the maximum cost per click which you can afford. Improve your campaigns and take profit with Leadbit!