Clickadu – review, tutorial, cases

A good traffic channel is very important. Each experienced affiliate marketer has a couple of platforms in stock, with which he always works. One or two channels are the most popular , the rest are in reserve. It is not known from which vertical he will try his hand further, which offer will come across. Yes, specialists like to stick to the chosen areas and standard offers, but in the pursuit of profit, we often depart from them.

Therefore, it is better to have a whole portfolio of well-developed advertising networks. Some are for specific verticals, others are purely for testing new ideas and chips, and others are for traffic levels. The Leadbit team is also constantly trying to expand its list of top platforms. And dig into them “deeper” to share knowledge and best practices with the members of our partner network. One of the most promising ad networks is Clickadu. And today we will “dig” it very deeply. Prepare your notebooks if you are not already familiar with this platform. An ultimate review of the Clickadu ad network awaits you.

You can learn more about the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing.

Basic information about Clickadu

Clickadu is a digital advertising network with a multi-format inventory to choose from. Our aim is to provide 360° ad coverage and monetization capabilities in one place.

Clickadu Statistics:

  • 6B+ Impressions daily from all over the world daily fresh out the direct publishers
  • 5M Daily conversions
  • 8K Active users
  • 60K+ Active ads campaigns and 7000 active advertisers
  • 22 Verticals
  • 150+ GEOs


  • User-friendly SSP – A toolkit to ensure statistics transparency and campaign automation
  • Fast campaign moderation – You’re a coffee break away from launching a campaign to getting traffic
  • Fraud and bot filters – Machine Learning-based algorithm to filter poor quality
  • Multiple payment methods – More than five solutions to cash out or top up your balance
  • 360° Ad coverage – Your product will get noticed for sure with a wide variety of ad formats
  • Qualified support team – A team of expert managers concerned about your success

What will you get as a Clickadu advertiser?

➔ 6B worldwide traffic fresh from the direct publishers

➔ 7 ads formats that can be mixed for a better result

➔ 22 verticals – more than in any advertising network

➔ 4 pricing models to choose: CPM, CPC, SmartCPA, SmartCPM

➔ Advanced Multi-DC communication that reduces discrepancies

➔ In-house traffic quality control

➔ Dedicated support & managers team

And what about the publishers?

➔ 60К+ active campaigns daily that create a high traffic demand.

➔ CPM up to $9

➔ Clean feed (we’re on it with our Policy restrictions and several moderation stages).

➔ Weekly payments (at $50) with no hold via PayPal, Webmoney, Paxum, and Wire.

➔ Referral program that will give you up to 5% of publishers’ revenue who registered via your referral link

➔ Stable and high CPMs for webmasters

➔ Strong fill rates help to maximize revenue

➔ Clean ads, no malware, and viruses

➔ Clickadu offers a good level of support via Email, Telegram and Skype among other methods

➔ Various settings for the frequency of ad impressions. Amount, range, limits on CSS Classes, Up\Under

➔ Setting up an advertising feed. Restrictions on certain undesirable products\offer verticals

➔ The ability to customize the advertising feed to match your requirements.

7 ads formats:

  • Banner Ads
  • Popunder
  • Push Notifications
  • Inpage Push
  • Instant Text Message
  • Video Pre-Roll
  • SKIM

Average Daily Traffic Amount:

  • Banner Ads: 3 Billion
  • Popunder: 480 Million
  • Push notifications: 2 Billion
  • Video: 66 Mln
  • Inpage: 260 mln
  • Instant Text Message: 1 Mln
  • SKIM: 1 Mln

New features:

Clickadu announced an online banners ads format. Using them you could achieve great conversion and earn much more money. What advantages do they have?

  • 5 creatives within one ads campaign
  • CPC/SmartCPM/CPM price models
  • Pay only for targeted conversions with a misclick protection system
  • CPC model free testing
  • Two formats: 300×250 и 300×100

Also, explore cross-format advertising and boost traffic with additional banner traffic and dive into Push Subscriptions monetization – a brand-new feature for publishers.

Commission Type: CPM

Minimum Payment: $50 – $1000

Payment Frequency: Net7

Payment Method: PayPal, WebMoney, Paxum, Wire Transfer


For Advertiser

  • Ad Format: Push, Popunder, Video, Banner, SKIM, Instant Text Message
  • Cost Mode: CPM, CPC, SmartCPA, SmartCPM
  • Minimum Deposit: $100
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Paxum, WebMoney, Wire Transfer, Credit Card
  • Daily Impression: 6 billion
  • Top GEO: IN, ID, TH, VN, BR, PK, USA, BG, JP, PK, MY

Top Vertical: Social Apps, Android Tools (cleaners, boosters), E-commerce (wholesale brands), VPN, Tools & Utilities, Push subscriptions, Nutra, Finance Apps, Games, Surveys, Sweepstakes, Dating, Gambling & Betting.

Clickadu key features

This advertising network is difficult to view from a single point of view. At first glance, this is a completely ordinary service. It does not have a clear specialization, a unique approach, and does not focus around a single selected segment. Such platforms are not dispersed into niches, so they lose out to their specialized counterparts in the chosen field with a bang. And they are rarely successful. But this is a vivid example of when a “jack of all trades” is really a master.

What makes Clickadu different from alternative advertising networks

Clickadu positions itself as an SSP. Self-Serve platform, a project that provides a marketer and a publisher with the ability to independently configure the main aspects. On the one hand, the site becomes something of an intermediary, retiring from business, collecting a bribe from the participants. But to check in the case of Clickadu is an advantage, not a disadvantage. Managers do not only monitor, they actively participate in the construction of the AC, if necessary. The number of available tools on the service allows you to implement the AC, conduct a full analysis, and configure it according to the selected aspects. As a result, we have a service that gives complete freedom of action not only in words, but also provides all the tools for this.

The second loud epithet that Clickadu developers use is “multi-format”. Projects of this type in most cases have a solid disadvantage – only one format is worked out from all angles. As an option, pushy. The rest were added for the quantity, implemented “crookedly”, and looked out of place. And fine-tuning is usually not attached to them. Why, if everything uses only the central format? In the case of Clickadu, “multiformat” is not an empty word. There are 7 types of ads implemented here, each of which is fully developed and implemented with equal success.

What result do we have? A service for traffic promotion with a wide functionality. It will be useful for both an experienced marketer and a beginner to work with it.

And another bright distinguishing feature. Despite the fact that this is not an In-app service and not a special platform for draining the flow to mobile app offers – the percentage of mobile traffic here is impressive. Now it is hovering in the range of 65-70%. Which already tells us a lot about supposedly working verticals and offers on Clickadu. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and take it step by step.

Traffic in Clickadu

The most important and interesting aspect for a marketer. 90% of your success depends on the correctly selected target audience. But the fact whether you are able to attract such traffic in sufficient quantities at adequate prices depends on the PC.

What will make us happy with Clickadu? The same approach as in the other aspects. The site is really versatile. Its global reach to 240 countries gives us thousands of active publishers. It is noteworthy that the traffic level is also the same. Of course, with the help of targeting, you will be able to separate premium traffic from mediocre traffic. But the fact is that Clickadu has all levels of users. Cheap clicks for $0.05, which are almost never converted into an expensive lead, but are great for low-cost offers with registration or even advertising format. Elite traffic from the most “delicious” areas of the United States and megacities of European countries, in the region of $10-15 per transition.

It would seem that you can come here with any offer and easily find your target audience. But in fact, there is a strategy for selecting suitable offers and verticals on Clickadu, but more on it later.

The fact that there is no separate layer of premium platforms on the service adds a fly in the ointment. To participate in the program, it is enough to fill 50 unique pages on your website. And then submit an application for verification.

It is worth noting that the check is manual, it takes almost a whole day. The moderators will carefully study the site. But not on the subject of its rating and authority, but only on the presence of prohibited content.

The vast majority of resources on the service are small and unpopular sites. Some of them are reputable giants, but they are a minority.

GEO in Clickadu

We have already discussed the reach factor. Yes, the sites are scattered all over the world, but the percentage of traffic is clearly visible in the statistics. Let’s figure out where exactly the traffic to Clickadu comes from.

  1. The major share – 48% – comes from Asian countries. India is the leader, while Indonesia, Vietnam, China and Thailand go far behind. Newcomers are surprised that the flow from China is losing to Vietnam. Experienced marketers know that China is extremely reluctant to go to the “external” Internet;
  2. The second prize belongs to North America, mainly represented by the USA – 15% of traffic. And this result is quite impressive at a global scale. The USA provides high-quality traffic even from the most unpopular districts.Traffic from New York is valued much higher than from Bend or Carmel, but remains the benchmark, compared to Asian traffic;
  3. The third place belongs to South America. Brazil is leading. It is quite a stable TIER 3 channel;
  4. Europe takes the forth place, 11%. It is another region encompassing only TIER 1 and TIER 2 countries;
  5. The fifth place – Africa which provides 7% of the traffic; the countries of this region are very different by the traffic they can provide;
  6. Australia is an outsider – 5%.


As we can see, Clickadu collects traffic from all over the world. You can find any contingent here. Not the fact that in the required quantity and at loyal prices, but definitely any. For a specialist with experience, the following question will immediately arise – what about targeting? The database is huge – let’s see what methods we can use to identify the most relevant audience for our offers.

  • type of traffic. Choose the traffic for a specific offer. Dating services may be the only category of the offers which can cause problems. In this vertical offers are so hard to classify, as they tend to occupy a borderline position between the two groups;
  • selection by a specific vertical. Do not expect that after the marked, for example, dating, strictly relevant users will go to you. No, this is just a part of the overall complex, but it helps the algorithm;
  • type of advertising format. We will tell you the details of the 7 types in the following sections of the article, here we will not focus on the details;
  • select the option for tracking information from the user. The following options are allowed: cookie, IP, and by the user’s device;
  • Selective GEO setting. You can personalize the client not only by country and a territorial entity within the state, but also by a specific city. Targeting is allowed even for small cities, less than 100 thousand inhabitants, though not for all;
  • ad schedule. A convenient setting that allows you to first determine the region by time zone, as well as choose between showing during working hours and on vacation. Often used to hook an audience awake at night;
  • type of device;
  • operating system;
  • configuring traffic with AdBlock. More expensive, but the trust of the future lead will be at a high level;
  • the proxy used;
  • browser and language. Often, the audience even from TIER 3 countries becomes more expensive if the browser’s English language is determined. Be careful with the setup;
  • own black and white lists filled in.

Ad formats in Clickadu

So we got to the most interesting part. It’s time to take a look at why this platform is called multiformat, and give it your fair assessment of whether it deserves such a right. Clickadu currently uses 7 ad formats. The last one – banners, was added not so long ago. The platform started with popunders, this is the basics. But the surprise is that its attitude to the other formats is no less responsible.


How a popunder looks like

The ad opens with any click on the page. If the user wants to change the tab or click a certain point in the text, or even close the landing page – he will see the ad. This is one of the first advantages – the probability of showing is 100%. Even if the user is experienced and wants to avoid advertising, he will still view it. The downside is that this format is very annoying and intrusive, so it will only work with an accurate hit to the target audience. If the selected client is interested in the creative, popunder will attract the client. Otherwise, don’t wait for a new lead to appear.

Working with popunder, pay great attention to creativity, the landing page becomes secondary, not the most important. The main thing is to “present the product” at the first acquaintance.


How a banner looks like

Few marketers have not worked with banners. This format is older than the very concept of affiliate marketing. So far, this format is quite justified, especially since it implements excellent strategies. Again, the banner does not force the client to click, so it goes to the landing page already pretty warmed up. This is his conscious and balanced decision. The disadvantage is the dependence on the content, which means tests. After all, until you work out a normal click rate, the creative will play in the negative. Please note that the client goes to the banner after a full review, rarely clings to one picture, as is the case with teasers. Think through the text, evaluate how catchy it is. Clickadu offers banners in two formats, smaller – 300×100 and larger – 300×250.

The undoubted advantage of the banner is the built-in protection against misclick. Due to the location, it is unlikely that you will accidentally click on it.

By the way, Google is most favorable to this type of advertising.

Push notifications

How a push ad looks like

A pop-up notification that delivers the ad to the address. A huge advantage is the 100% display of the notification. Even if the browser is closed or minimized, it will not help to ignore the notification. However, such importunity has two disadvantages. The first one – you must first obtain the user’s consent to the display. They often try to disguise it as an important site rule or something like that. Second – this type of ad is considered annoying. Use it in combination with an accurate suggestion that will work 100%. What does this mean? You will have to work out the targeting settings to address strictly to the target users. This means less reach and a higher competitive CPC.

You can learn more about how push networks work and how they differ.

In-page push ads

How an in-page push ad looks like

This type of push is partly related to native ads networks. The push pops up when you view the landing page, fitting seamlessly into the overall structure. Not all users easily identify it as an ad, sometimes they confuse it with site notifications. It’s nice, but in this version it works with authoritative resources that are trustworthy among its users.

At the same time, it is not too annoying, unlike the same popunders, but 100% click, of course, does not promise. In addition, we will also note the fact that inpage pushs in Clickadu work with all types of operating systems and, most importantly, with mobile OSs. Recall that 70% of the traffic comes from smartphones.

ITM – instant text message

How ITM looks like

Exclusively for mobile traffic. The ad comes out in the form of an open dialog box. It often simulates a conversation with a person using a well-known social network or messenger. Accordingly, a design is selected that accurately copies the original. Sometimes they try to pass off dialog boxes as communication with the support service on the selected site.

This is already a method that is classified as “gray”. On Clickadu, such maneuvers will quite rightly be banned.

The advantage of the format is its nativity, an inexperienced user often simply does not realize that he has encountered an ad. More precisely, the user understands that this is an advertisement. But he thinks that he is writing to a real person.

Even a beginner will immediately name the type of offers, and the format that suggests itself. Yes, this format is very suitable for dating services.

Video pre-roll

How a pre-roll looks like

This is a common ad format used in many verticals. It is a short video that is shown to the user before viewing the main video. The audience is automatically narrowed, because the client must run the basic video clip. Whether it’s a training video, a guide, a movie in a virtual cinema.

Clickadu supports a sufficient number of formats: MP4, AVI and WMV. Not even the most common MOV and FLV. The length of the pre-roll is from 15 to 30 seconds. There are many advantages: a relevant audience, the client comes already warmed up, if the theme of the pre-roll corresponds to the theme of the video. The disadvantage is that this format is not cheap. A high-quality video, and a few more for a normal RC-this is a good investment, professionals take a lot. Moreover, Clickadu closely monitors copyright infringement in the video.


How a SKIM ad looks like

Direct link to the ad. Its position is chosen by the site owner himself, usually it flows smoothly into the common elements of the resource. Therefore, it is native to some extent. A separate advantage is that the interested webmaster chooses obviously the most suitable place for the link. The main thing is that there is a thematic correspondence.

Payment models

Clickadu uses a standard set of models. But it complements them with Smart elements. Basically, the choice is between CPC and CPM. The first option will allow you to buy only clicks. The price depends on the specific targeting settings. The main thing that has an impact-GEO, premium TIER 1 traffic is tens, if not hundreds of times more expensive than users from TIER 3. Additional parameters, narrowing of the audience, competition with the selected settings at the moment-all mix the price slider in one of the sides.

By tradition, if you are sure of your creativity, try paying for a thousand impressions. If not, switch to the click purchase model.

There are no detailed options, such as paying for a subscription or a lead in Clickadu.

Clickadu instruments

The platform tries to provide the participant with all the functions necessary for the work. As we remember, this is a Self-Serve project. Therefore, without extensive tools, it would simply not be able to exist. And Clickadu, realizing this, gives us all the cards in our hands.

  • Smart bidding. Automated functions that allow you to adjust the bid price without analysis, checks and your participation. Depending on the growth of competition, the system itself increases or decreases the price by changing the upper limits of the bid. Using Smart CPA-CPM really allows you to save a significant part of the budget. Even an experienced marketer will not be able to monitor the bid constantly on their own;
  • Traffic Inventory. A tool that shows the average bid for the selected parameters, as well as the limits. Focus on the metrics for calculating your campaign budget;
  • Sites and zones. Another interesting tool. Allows you to add districts to white or black lists. It would seem-a common thing. But in Clickadu, the option also gives you the right to assign an ID to regions. As a result of long-term work with the platform, you will have your own list of identifiers that will immediately give you an idea of the prospects of the districts. For example, the regions A, C, N K are conditionally suitable for Offer 1. And for offer 2 – G, F, D, S;
  • Protection against fraud and bots. In the PC, a machine learning-based program is available that can block fraud and bots. Algorithms are constantly being improved, and now this is quite a productive method. Although, as you know, it does not give a full guarantee;
  • The expense method. This option allows you to select the rate of spending of the budget allocated for the day. So far, only 2 methods are available – intensive and moderate;
  • Personal manager. If you have any difficulties with the RC, you can always use the services of a personal manager from the project. It will give you basic recommendations for free. The list of paid services also includes deep configuration of the RC, as well as checking its effectiveness of analytics methods and general tests. The Personal Manager provides access to additional targeting settings, for example, by IP. And provides a list of white and black sheets for the selected offer type. For premium clients, the service is free, but an ordinary marketer will be able to get into their number after a long and mutually beneficial cooperation with the company.

Tracking in Clickadu

Now the dashboard will not surprise anyone. In Clickadu, it is close to the top standards, but it does not have unique features. There are general statistics, reporting on specific selected zones. You can exclude non-conversion zones from the dashboard online. Or set special conditions for bids by district, if initially the RC goes on Smart bidding. Conversion tracking is also available with SmartCPA.

Given the rather narrow functionality of the Clickadu dashboard, we recommend that professionals use an external tracker that is easily integrated into the system. Beginners can use the platform’s functions for the first time to analyze and adjust the RC. But over time, they will have to switch to full-fledged trackers, Clickadu itself will not cover all the gaps in terms of analytics.

An overview of the best trackers for advertising and affiliate marketing.

Referral program

Clickadu uses a standard type of referral program. After registration, the participant has access to his own referral link, which he shares with potential customers of the sites. Level – 5%. And this is not a base, but a static figure. No increase in the rate from the number or quality of referrals is provided.

Support service

Some marketers note that one more feature that makes Clickadu stand out among its competitors is operational support. Large companies often neglect this point, there are many customers, and there are not enough employees. In Clickadu, support gives an average response of 30 minutes to 5 hours. And this is a normal indicator. And the service is not limited to unsubscribing, “chewing” all the difficult moments.

There are two forms of communication. The first is a general consultation on technical issues from the service. Contact them via:

  • live chat;
  • feedback form – the same section there is a detailed FAQ on working with the system;
  • project email address –

Clickadu Feedback Form and FAQ

The second form is a consultation from a manager attached to you. His contacts are located in the upper options block in the participant’s personal account.

Support service response in live chat if all employees are busy

Chat, by the way, is not always available. If the consultants are not online, you will be asked to leave a message on the feedback page.

Clickadu Rules and Restrictions

The list of rules and restrictions on the resource is extensive. Ads and offers that use the following methods are not allowed:

  • violence and its propaganda in any form, be careful with creatives based on combat sports, especially MMA;
  • illegal content. In this category, the system includes trading, terrorism, hacking, and other things that an ordinary marketer is unlikely to encounter;
  • content with signs of psychological harassment and abusive attitude. This is a tribute to the current feminist trend;
  • distribution of drugs, illegal software, weapons. Here, pay attention to some gray offers on the inside, they are quite appropriately considered-narcotic substances;
  • a deliberate deception of the user, as well as an attempt to play on “fear”. These are calls in the style of “attention, a virus has been detected on your computer” and the like;
  • non-copyrighted content. But this is easier, if you do not use an obviously stolen and known image or video, there will be no problems.

Please note that gambling for the United States is allowed only in some zones. A full list of them can be found in the “guidelines” section of the site.

US zones where gambling is allowed

Pros and cons of Clickadu

Now let’s briefly look at the obvious pros and cons.


  • worldwide GEO;
  • wide range of tools;
  • serious traffic flow even with deep TA settings;
  • a lot of targeting options;
  • 70% of traffic comes from the mobile devices;
  • 7 advertising formats that work equally well;
  • operational support.


  • major share of traffic comes from the TIER 3 countries;
  • difficult to get a VIP-status;
  • strict rules;
  • small choice of premium platforms.

Creating an ad campaign in Clickadu

Moving from theory to practice. We understand the subtleties of organization and configuration, and then monitor with the analysis of our ads campaign. But at the preliminary stage, let’s see what basically goes on the platform.

Choosing a vertical

In the review, we already mentioned that Clickadu positions itself as a multi-format platform with a worldwide GEO. It turns out that any vertical works here? To check-no, although the available list is wider than that of similar projects. This is a good competitor to niche platforms, but not in all areas.

Which verticals work well:

  1. Dating services. Yes, both the advertising formats and the audience fit perfectly into the dating. You can pour both on expensive offers from premium sites, and from TIER 3, but at budget prices. Plus, local pushs look good with dating – this is basically one of the best formats for this;
  2. Gambling. It is well received by users, but keep in mind the restrictions on the regions of the United States. If the offer is not from the list, go to another PC. For the rest, it is recommended to focus on low-cost offers. Under them, the audience is easier to find here, but the “elite” will go worse;
  3. Sweepstakes. Traditionally, with a TIER 3 audience, the vertical works perfectly. And the reviews say that in Clickadu sweeps work without any problems;
  4. Tools and utility applications. Remember that illegal software is immediately banned. If the offer intends to distribute malicious software, it will also be permanently banned. But for the promotion of a transparent offer, Clickadu will become a reliable platform for implementing various utilities. Even a gray offer can be passed through cloaking, but the system calculates such mechanisms quickly. Try to keep safe from a week to a month;
  5. Wellness products. Again, we bypass the restrictions, filter the gray offers. In Clickadu, wellness products are promoted with great success, TIER 3 countries like it, and so do TIER 2 countries. The result will be both from offers on cosmetics, and from healthy offers;
  6. Apps and games. Keep in mind the percentage of mobile traffic. But first, analyze the offer itself. Online games based on multiplayer, as well as applications of a similar type, are better promoted through In-app. But applications for personal use, in the style of readers, it is logical to promote in Clickadu.

The list is not exhaustive, just the other verticals show a more moderate profit. But what is not recommended to try is finance, brokerage offers, trading and exchanges, merchandise in all its diversity. Opinions are contradictory, and we have not personally tested it in Clickadu yet.

Choosing the offer

Having dealt with the vertical, we move on to a specific offer. Here the recommendations will already be available.

  • it is better to choose offers with a moderate reward, but with a working landing page;
  • do not try offers with direct sales in this network, you can find your target audience, since the choice is extensive. But with a high probability you will overpay for a click;
  • offers with payment for the client’s deposit are unlikely to succeed;
  • do not use gray offers without cloaking, moderation is vigilant. And it is better not to test them here, choose a different platform.

Step-by-step tutorial for setting up ads in Clickadu

Now specifically to the step-by-step guide to creating and configuring our advertising campaign.

If you don’t have an account in Clickadu yet, first create a profile. The form is standard, there is nothing complicated, fill in the data, give a brief description of the campaign. Indicate the appropriate advertising methods on the second page of the registration form. Enter your email address: later, a confirmation letter will be sent there.

Registration form

Go to the tab for creating an ad campaign. Initially, the main aspects of the setup are.

  • the name of the ad campaign does not pass moderation, choose any one;
  • the ad format from 7 suggested options;
  • the type of traffic;
  • choose the appropriate vertical.

Tab for creating an ad campaign

Now, on the same page, specify the address of the offer or a landing/pre-landing page. It depends on where the received traffic will go. At the bottom of the line, you will find tokens that you will need for subsequent analytics, so choose all those that matter in targeting.

Choosing tokens

When you select push as the main advertising option, the system will ask you to determine the subscription age of the target users. Options are available for up to 3, 10, 61 days or more.

Users’ age settings

The creative itself is configured literally in three steps: the title, description, and image loading. The image can be compressed and stretched, cropped, and adjusted to the desired size.

Pricing model and bid settings

Choose a pricing model. Payment for impressions or click-throughs, as well as Smart bidding. We recommend using Smart models, especially for beginners in the field. Yes, with a competent analysis and a high online level, an experienced marketer will set up the price better than Smart. But this is a waste of time and effort, and serious requirements for the skill.

However, no one bothers to choose the bid and cap manually.

Immediately select the display frequency for a single user. The initial parameters are 3-24. Accordingly, the client will see the ad 3 times a day and no more. Balanced version, 1-2 times you can just accidentally skip the ad. And more than 3 impressions without a transition – the client deliberately ignores the creative, he did not go.

Do not forget to specify the daily budget for the campaigns, as well as the limits when using Smart models.

Next, we move on to targeting.

Targeting settings

We will not repeat ourselves, we have already described the targeting settings.

Important: choose the items that you really need. It is illogical to exclude groups of users by a parameter only because this parameter is in the system.

And the last point-set the display time. Determine the best time to enter the market. Working hours, evenings, nights, weekends.

Display schedule settings

Monitoring and performance analysis

The next stage is analytics and observation. Based on the indicators, the marketer needs to adjust the RC setting. For a beginner, the main thing is often just the dashboard indicators. Directly from there, it will be able to add zones to white and black sheets. Moreover, in Clickadu, these are not just GEO locations, but any types of sources.

The meaning is simple, we identify poorly converting zones, enter them in the blacklist. Those who show the highest results go to the whitelist. As a result, we form our portfolio to work not only with this offer, but also with others of the same type.

A similar role is played by the “traffic inventory”. This is a full-fledged report on rates, regions, and the flow of users. Just a few variables, on the basis of which it is easy to draw the simplest conclusions about the effectiveness of the RC.

The described functionality, of course, will not be enough for a professional. Therefore, it is sent to the tracker section, where it receives a link with a hash for integration.

link for integration with tracker

This already works with the usual analytics system.

Professional tips for working with Clickadu

What do experts who have met with Clickadu recommend?

  • Trust is good, but control is better. A personal manager is a definite advantage. But no one knows how deeply he delves into the issue, studies the sources and offers. Therefore, listen to the words of the manager, but choose your own strategy if you have radically different point of view;
  • As the tests show, when choosing between SOI and DOI types of conversions, specifically in Clickadu, the first is more logical. This is due to the features of the PC and the vast majority of traffic from TIER 3. This advice is especially relevant for beginners;
  • There is a common point that native in-pages are not displayed on Mac OS. Only the icon is visible, as well as the text message. Accordingly, focus on them;

Case – Brazil gambling in Clickadu

Gambling in Clickadu according to reviews has always brought Profit. We took 31 days to test the statement in practice. However, a small spoiler: this period ended up being shorter.

A standard offer with payment for the installation of a gambling application, plus a second reward when depositing funds. $5+10 – the total benefit of the full lead. The choice of format was between pushs and banners. But we leaned towards the first, it is still difficult to lure the gambling audience with banners.

GEO-Brazil is almost without exception. Black-white lists were not configured on Clickadu, so the zones were not excluded at the first stage. It was decided to pour on the pre-land, which is a guide to “uber strategies that work on the offer in 100% of cases” and with a lot of loud epithets. Given the audience and GEO, it should have worked.

We didn’t bother much with creatives:

Creative for gambling

And it turned out to be a mistake. Even at the testing stage, it was revealed that some creatives converted poorly. And this affected the first week of work.

  • Budget – $200;
  • Profit – $115;
  • Margin – -$85.

In the second week, the analysis revealed that only creatives where there are people in the picture worked. Therefore, more of them were added, and empty images with gambling attributes were excluded.

Creative picture with real players

In addition, several cities were added to the blacklist, in principle, only big cities remained in the lists. They showed the best result.

The result exceeded all expectations.

  • Budget – $200;
  • Profit – $845;
  • Margin – $645.

And in the third week, the profit sharply declined, so it was decided to cover the period prematurely.

Final results:

  • Budget – $600;
  • Profit – $1285;
  • Margin – $685
  • ROI – 114%.


Author: Sergey

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